VoIP Technology is Key to SMEs

By WSN In VoIP-Info

More and more companies, both small businesses and multinationals, are making use of VoIP telephony, making it an essential tool in their day-to-day business.

The advantages of using a fully VoIP-based system are enormous, here are the most important ones:

  • Cost savings: VoIP-based communications systems can reduce the cost of a company’s telephone bills by up to 60 percent compared to traditional telephony services. To achieve this, we can see that calls between users of the same company are free, whether fixed or mobile, and international calls are much cheaper.  
  • Local numbers: with IP telephony we can choose the telephone number we are most interested in.  We can choose the geographic numbering of a specific community or city, even if the company is located in another community or country.
  • International numbering: likewise, if our business has clients from other countries, we will have the option of contracting lines with prefixes from those places. In this way, we will be able to provide a more personalized service for clients from other countries. 
  • Access to additional services at zero cost: all services such as voicemail, call queues or automatic routing, which can be found in any customer service department of any company, are free in this type of system.

Features of IP telephony, the virtual switchboard

VoIP telephony offers several benefits to companies, but possibly the greatest advantage of this technology is the possibility of using a virtual switchboard. Let’s analyse several of the tools that it offers both the company and the Customer Service department:

  • Integrations with different applications: the virtual switchboard will allow us to use the fixed telephone lines on a mobile device, so that we can use the company number anywhere we have a mobile device and an internet connection.
  • Call recording: With it we will be able to access the files quickly and easily, when necessary, to check any vital data in the call.
  • Creation of reports (CDRs): the virtual switchboard records all incoming and outgoing calls. In this way we can see, for example, the start and end time, the date on which the call was made or the agent who answered it.
  • Omnichannel Communication (Centralize services): Thanks to the virtual switchboard we will be able to manage all communication channels. We can have an active system of SMS, email, calls, instant messaging or social networks, all in one place.